More than anything else, the people made Epsom Coaches the leader in its field and a good example to every other business, of a company that grew but never forgot its most important asset, its staff. Not just staff, but our suppliers were always a very important part of the Epsom family and were included in most events. Epsom Coaches, particularly emphasised the use of local suppliers and we were often their largest client. This helped to ensure “open book” working and the best value for money, whilst encouraging the local economy.

Early traditions that started back in 1920, continued right up until Easter 2017. That was hot cross buns for all staff at Easter and Mince pies at Christmas. A small gesture and one that grew from Roddy Richmond, buying his two staff pies and buns in 1920, to buying nearly 400 in 2017!

From helping individuals with loans and practical advice, to providing the best welfare and benefits package in the industry, this was all part of an enviable mix, which encouraged huge loyalty from the staff and many kept in touch well after retirement along with their families. They still do. That loyalty extended to suppliers and our customers. Some told us, their lives would never be the same again.

So what was the key to growth, whilst still ensuring a family feel to the company? No one thing, although communication was the first priority. A unique “open book” approach, ensured everyone had a say and they knew how the firm was performing good and bad. Everyone was treated the same, regardless of their role in the company. Epsom Coaches was judged as Surrey’s best employer in 2012, testament to the high standards applied, in an industry where staff are often the least important element and are regarded as a number, rather than a human being with a family. Families are the real meaning of a family business, and for that reason the active social club, originally known as the Red and Cream social club and later the Inns and Outs club, (which is still thriving), ensured that families were fully involved.

Epsom Coaches never had an “HR” department, our staff were not just a resource, but the living breathing soul of a unique company, that became a way of life for so many. Each manager looked after their staff, they knew everyone’s name and often their families as well. Pastoral care was a big priority.

HRR News January 1977


Over the years, we published newsletters to keep everyone informed. These were usually sent to the home address of staff, so their families could share the news. A selection of Newsletters is published here for the first time.


Newsletter Christmas 2015

Staff Newsletter Spring 2013


Our welfare and benefits brochure was issued to everyone when they joined the firm and regularly updated. Latterly, all the benefits were listed on our website, meaning staff could  access a wide range of benefits 24/7, including, being able to book holidays, order uniform and checking their driving hours.  However, we never forgot the personal touch, with someone on site at all times.


Benefits Brochure


Epsom Coaches was always a popular employer and the continued growth of the business meant there were further opportunities, especially for drivers. We published our famed “Drive a Bus with Us Guides” and a coach version too. These explained exactly what you could expect when working as a driver with Epsom Coaches. Other staff always had a full job description that went in to some detail and explained everything.

Drive a Bus October 2008

Drive a Bus June 2016

Drive a Coach October 2008

Drive a Coach March 2016

Tributes and profiles of key people and the characters, who made Epsom Coaches through the years, will be coming soon. Why not be included? Email: