We are sorry to report that David Blackmore has passed away after a short illness. He was 81. David was the company’s first dedicated bus manager shortly after bus deregulation in 1986 and did much to establish Epsom Coaches as a bonifide bus operator, in addition to its renowned coach operation.   

Steve Whiteway commented “on behalf of the Epsom Coaches family, we pass on our sincere condolences to Pauline and family. David was instrumental in building Epsom Buses, later leading to considerable expansion under the Quality Line banner.  David was not only a highly qualified professional, but he was also a delightful person to work with and completely unflappable.  We were lucky to have him. We kept in touch over the years and David will be sorely missed by all those who knew him”.  

David’s funeral will be held at Randalls Park, Crematorium, Leatherhead on Wednesday 28th August at 1.15pm. All welcome.