It is deep sorrow that we announce the passing of our dear friend Bernard Kelly. Bernard had not been well for some months and ultimately passed following a stroke.
Bernard Kelly was long associated with Epsom Coaches, as a coach driver from the late seventies, he moved on to establish his own decorating business, but still drove on a part time basis. As is often the tradition at EC, Bernard’s services were often in demand, and he was kept busy looking after the garage.
Bernard was a character and an excellent driver, well versed in the London tour operator scene and much in demand. He was a pioneer in so many ways, as he worked with Park Lane Sightseeing in the early eighties providing some of the first bespoke publicly offered tours from central London. His good looks were exploited on the publicity material. Apart from his knowledge, Bernard was very sociable and much in demand from clients. In so many ways, the ideal coach driver and Bernard was instrumental in maintaining Epsom Coaches as the premier coach operator in the UK.
Bernard’s move to establish his own business, was equally successful, with a full client list. He worked hard throughout his life and latterly in retirement he enjoyed a more leisurely life, well deserved. Bernard could always be relied upon for help and assistance, and he continued to keep close contact with the firm, attending social events which won’t be the same without him.
We have lost a dear friend and colleague, who was irreplaceable. May he rest in peace.
Funeral details:
St Clements Church, Kingston Road at 10am on 28th June. He will be buried at Epsom Cemetery and the wake will be held at his favourite drinking hole the West Ewell Social Club, Chessington Road. From around 12.30 onwards.