Epsom Coaches and Quality Line – Staff Reunion.
Following the postponement due to Covid of our 100th anniversary reunion in June 2000, I am pleased to announce a new date has been set for Saturday 6th November 2021. The event will be held at Blenheim High School as an “open house” between 4pm and 9pm, just a stones throw from the garage. It will likely to be last time we will all have the opportunity to get together in one group. The event is open to staff and their guest, together with other friends of the company. Drinks and light refreshments will be provided.
The event is by invitation only but our database is incomplete, so if you don’t receive a formal invitation by Friday 6th August, please let me know via enquries@epsomcoaches.co.uk and I will arrange your invitation. Please spread the word, we would not wish to miss anyone!
Steve Whiteway